Camera Shy? Here’s How To Deliver a Winning Video Interview 

Covered in this post—

  • Finding the Best Setting for Video Recording

  • Setting Up Equipment for an Interview

  • Choosing What to Wear to a Video Interview

  • Tips for Overcoming Camera Shyness

  • Avoid These Common Video Interview Mistakes

  • Share Your Story Through Professional Video Interviews

Video interviews have become a media staple in professional communication. A high-quality, well-developed video interview can connect businesses with clients, partners, and potential employees. Creating a solid video interview is essential for anyone looking to make a strong impression, whether you're showcasing your professional expertise, pitching a new product, or participating in a remote job interview. 

At Mark Campbell Productions, we know the ins and outs of recorded interviews and what it takes to show up on camera in the best way possible. Here’s our guide to preparing for the best video interview so that you can overcome nervousness and excel in your storytelling.

Finding the Best Setting for Video Recording

Where you film your video is important because it sets the tone and overall attitude of the interviewees. Select a quiet area with good lighting for your interview. Natural light works best, but if that’s unavailable, you can use soft, diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows. Make sure your background is neat and professional—a simple wall or tasteful bookshelf can work well. Avoid overly cluttered or distracting elements that might pull focus from the people in the frame.

Setting Up Equipment for an Interview

Technical issues can quickly derail an interview. Test your camera, microphone, and internet connection before the day of the interview. Conduct a trial run with a colleague to see that everything functions smoothly. If not, troubleshoot and have a backup plan. A glitch-free video interview reflects well on your professionalism.

Choosing What to Wear to a Video Interview

Dress as you would for an in-person meeting, from head to toe. Consider the purpose of the interview, the social culture the video is for, and how you want to present yourself. For professional videos, it’s typically best to avoid clothing that contains busy patterns or bright colors that might distract on camera. Solid, muted colors that compliment your skin tone typically work best. And yes, wear suitable bottoms—you never know when you might need to stand up. 

Tips for Overcoming Camera Shyness 

Many people feel uneasy on camera. This is completely normal. These techniques can help you overcome this challenge.

1. Rehearse and Prepare

Familiarity leads to comfort. Practice your talking points in front of a mirror or record yourself on your phone before the interview day. The more you see yourself on camera, the more natural it will feel during the actual interview.

2. Stay Calm

Before the interview, take deep breaths and do some light body movements or stretching to release nervous tension. Remember, the person on the other end of the camera is just another human being. Imagine having a friendly conversation with them.

3. Shift Your Focus

Instead of fixating on the camera, concentrate on your message. Envision a face-to-face conversation with someone you respect. This mindset can help you appear more natural and engaging.

4. Be Aware of Body Language

Maintain good posture and lean slightly forward to show engagement. Use hand gestures naturally, but be mindful not to make large movements that might be distracting on camera. Smile and nod occasionally to show active listening. Be aware of your body language, but most importantly, remember to be yourself.

5. Make Effective Eye Contact

Look directly into the camera lens when speaking to simulate eye contact with your interviewer. When listening, it's fine to look at the screen to see the other person's reactions. Practice switching between these two focal points to maintain a natural flow.

6. Speak With Clarity and Confidence

Maintain a steady speaking pace and enunciate your words clearly. Pause briefly between thoughts to allow for any potential lag in the video connection. Use a confident tone, but avoid shouting. Most microphones are sensitive enough to pick up your normal speaking voice.
If you need help with video communication, consider bringing in a public speaking coach or a colleague you’re comfortable with to help you bring out your strongest potential.

Avoid These Common Video Interview Mistakes 

Being aware of potential issues can help you sidestep them. Here are some of the most common (and preventable) pitfalls to avoid.

Technical Difficulties

Always have a backup plan for technical problems. Plan to work with a videography team to minimize the risk of technical failure. If issues arise, remain calm and professional as you work to resolve them.

Environmental Interruptions

Inform other team members about your interview to prevent unexpected interruptions. Silence notifications on your devices and close unnecessary browser tabs to avoid distracting sounds or pop-ups.

Subpar Audio/Visual Quality

Poor lighting can make you appear unprofessional or difficult to see. Similarly, low-quality audio can make it hard for your interviewer to understand you. If you plan to do regular video interviews, consider investing in a good microphone and lighting setup. For the best outcome, hire a professional video production team to prepare and record your video interview.

Professional Videographers for Interview Recordings

While these tips can significantly improve your video interview performance, partnering with a professional videographer like Mark Campbell Productions can elevate your video interviews with:

  • Professional-grade equipment: We provide high-quality cameras, lighting, and audio equipment to ensure optimal visual and sound quality. Our experienced team knows how to set up the perfect shot that compliments you and your environment.

  • Expert guidance during filming: Our professionals offer real-time feedback and direction to help you deliver your best performance. We'll advise on everything from posture adjustments to speech pacing, ensuring you come across as polished and professional.

  • Skilled post-production editing: After the interview, our editing team can enhance the final video, adding graphics, adjusting audio levels, and creating a seamless, professional-looking end product. This is particularly valuable for interviews that will be shared publicly or used for marketing purposes.

Share Your Story Through Professional Video Interviews 

By applying these techniques, you can overcome camera shyness and deliver a compelling interview performance that showcases your expertise and professionalism. Remember, practice will increase your comfort and naturalness on camera. 

If you’re seeking a high-quality video interview, reach out to the creative team at Mark Campbell Productions. We're here to help you make a lasting impression through video, no matter what the interview is for.


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