Corporate Lifestyle Images

Brand Photography and Videography

Mark Campbell Productions offers corporate lifestyle photography in Chicago or Milwaukee that expresses your company’s story. MCP partnered with Chicago accounting firm, CJBS, to shoot content for their website redesign. View the end results including office candid shots, headshots, brand videos and more.

Photos for Company Website Refresh

Our team shot a series of photos for CJBS to use on their website home page.

Fun/Personality Headshots

We created fun headshots to show off the personality of each team member. When you hover over headshot images on the website, you also see their standard headshot. This photoshoot was a great way to add some fun to an industry people may assume is boring.

Partner Videos

Our videography team shot videos of the CJBS managing partners, giving them the opportunity to share their different backgrounds and approaches to business.

Industry-Specific Videos

MCP filmed and created industry-specific highlight videos, such as this cannabis video.

Not sure where to start?

Let’s work together to bring your brand vision to life, give new life to your website, to tell a story or to capture a special event – the possibilities are endless. Complete the short form and we will provide a custom quote.