5 Ways Video Takes Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

Your content is what connects you to potential customers and lets them know what you do, what problems you solve and why your company matters. Using video as part of your marketing strategy can be one of the most engaging ways to bring your brand to life. Videos introduce a human element to your company and connect people to your brand mission faster and more effectively than even the best copy.

But where do you start? Check out these 5 ways video can boost your marketing strategy:

1. Bring client testimonials and case studies to life.

Using client testimonials as part of your sales strategy is a smart way to allow your potential customers to hear directly from your client base on why your company is so great. But doing it through video is even smarter – only video can offer viewers a real person to connect to through voice, emotion and body language. Video testimonials and case studies provide authenticity and a trustworthiness for your brand that you cannot portray through text or photos alone.

2. Boost social media engagement.

Growth of video sharing on social media has exploded recent years. Consider this – on Twitter, a video tweet is 6x more likely to be retweeted than one with just a photo. On Facebook, approximately 100 million hours of video are watched each day. If you haven’t considered video as part of your strategy, the time is now. Using video on your social media channels makes it easy for your audience to consume and share your message, all with the click of a button.

3. Build excitement leading up to and at events.

Video should be an integral part of your event marketing strategy. Videos can be used as soon as you start promoting your event – and is the best way to really show people know what to expect and look forward to. Sharing videos during your event can keep the excitement and momentum alive, and recap videos after the event can be a great reminder of everything the attendee was a part of. Check out this highlight video from a SilkRoad Technology customer event; videos like this are great in post-event follow-up and are a great way to maximize the return on your event investments and marketing efforts:

4. Make a personal connection.

Most people are turned off by overly polished and produced advertising pushes. Instead, they want to connect with a brand and get behind their mission or values. Creating brand/culture videos with real people from your company telling your brand story is one of the best ways to connect with your audience, portray authenticity and build trust. This doesn’t just mean connecting with your potential customers: video is also a great way to tell your story to potential employees. Use video to showcase your company culture in your job postings, on your career site and in communicating with candidates – and show them first-hand why they would want to work for you.

5. Convey information in a quick and engaging way.

More than anything, video is a great way to get your message across in a fast and engaging way. Attention spans are short (only about 8 seconds!) and people want to consume content in a format they find captivating and relatable. Would you rather read a long page of text or watch a short video to learn about a new product or company? If you’re like 80% of the population, you’d rather watch a short video. In today’s world with so much competing for our attention, you need to capture interest fast and effectively in order to get your message across.

Ready to start your next video project? Contact us today.


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