Poised and Photogenic: How to Take Your Best Professional Headshot

Covered in this post—

  • The Power of a Professional Headshot

  • Planning for Your Corporate Headshot Session

  • Week-of Shoot Tips for Professional Headshots

  • Day-of Shoot Tips for Professional Headshots

Smart customers evaluate every digital image, from website design to professional headshots, before they decide to work with your team.

That’s why each headshot on your company’s website deserves attention. Corporate headshots act as visual introductions for your team, conveying competence and trustworthiness to potential clients.

Underbudgeting, not choosing the right photographer, and inadequate preparation can all contribute to a bad headshot. Plus, not everyone feels comfortable being in front of the camera.

Thankfully, there are several steps you and your leadership team can take to make your next professional headshots the best pictures you’ve ever taken.

This comprehensive guide explores the value of professional headshots and offers actionable strategies for ensuring that you and your organization project confidence with every image.

The Power of a Professional Headshot

The upsides of an excellent corporate headshot are widely taken for granted. In reality, professional business headshots add value to your organization in multiple ways.

Professional woman smiling at the camera

Instant First Impressions

Imagine a high-end digital clothing retailer's website featuring blurry, pixelated photos of models. Does that seem like the most effective strategy for representing its brand? 

A good professional headshot is a friendly handshake, offering a glimpse into your personality and professionalism. When first impressions are shaped online in a matter of tenths of seconds, blurry and unprofessional headshots send the wrong message to clients, prospects, and others in your professional network.

Similarly, professional headshots act as individual product displays for your company’s leaders and experts. They highlight talented employees with consistent lighting, pleasant backgrounds, and a polished look.

Empower Your Team

Professional headshots equip your employees to represent themselves and the organization with a sense of pride and confidence.

Professional headshots are also tangible assets that your employees can use to enhance their portfolios and LinkedIn profiles.

Planning for Your Corporate Headshot Session

Lack of planning is another common obstacle to taking a good professional headshot. Stick to a schedule so you don’t end up scrambling on the days leading up to the shoot.

Find a Portrait Photography Expert

It's impossible to get a good headshot without the right photographer. Search for a professional with a proven track record in corporate headshots.

Review their portfolio to ensure their style aligns with your company’s brand aesthetic. Don’t hesitate to ask for references and check online reviews for peace of mind. 

Pick Your Look

Coordinate with your team for consistency and consider your company culture when selecting your outfit for your professional headshot.

For a traditional audience, a crisp suit and tie for men, or a polished blouse and blazer for women, is a safe bet. Tech startups and other unique verticals may allow more casual attire, but professional dress should still be the guiding principle.

Solid colors are a good fit for natural light and generally photograph best. Avoid busy patterns that might be distracting.

Work with a Stylist

For extra perspective, enlist the help of a professional makeup artist and hairstylist. They can help you create a natural, polished look that complements your features and enhances your photogenic qualities.

Additionally, their experience with professional lighting and backgrounds will help you make the most of your time in the studio.

Week-of-Shoot Tips for Professional Headshots

A few changes to your routine could go a long way toward preventing bad headshots.

Get Good Sleep

A well-rested face is a photogenic face. Get multiple nights of good rest (7-8 hours) before arriving at your professional headshot. This reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and leaves your skin looking refreshed and radiant.

Getting plenty of sleep also helps to manage anxiety, which will make it easier to relax in front of the camera.

Commit to Hydration

Staying hydrated plumps up your skin, giving you a healthy glow. Increase your water intake in the days before your shoot.

Likewise, steer clear of foods and substances that contribute to poor skin health as you approach your headshot session, like processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products.

Grooming is Key

The power of a good haircut, a clean shave, and a touch of makeup shouldn’t be underestimated. 

Ensure your clothes are wrinkle-free and freshly laundered. When selecting makeup, aim to enhance your natural features without looking overdone.

Practice Makes Poses

Feeling a little awkward about posing? Spend the week leading up to your headshot practicing in front of a mirror.

Experiment with different head tilts, shoulder positions, and facial expressions. This practice helps you find your best angles. Even better, the repetition will help you feel more natural when it comes time to smile for the camera.

Woman smiling at the camera with her arms crossed

Day-of-Shoot Tips for Professional Headshots 

Feeling a little nervous on the morning of the shoot? Follow these tips to calm your nerves.

Control Your Breath

Take deep breaths and focus on relaxing your shoulders. Tense muscles can make you appear stiff and uncomfortable in photos.

Try some simple breathing exercises before your session. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of two, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six.

Repeat this exercise a few times to calm your nerves and ease into the shoot.

Keep Communicating

Developing a friendly rapport with your photographer will make the experience less stressful. The more information you provide, the better your photographer can tailor the session to your needs.

Rely on Body Language

Confident body language goes a long way in creating a powerful headshot. Maintain good posture with your shoulders back and core engaged.

For a warm and approachable expression, make eye contact with the camera and think about a pleasant memory or a positive outcome. 

Most importantly, your genuine smile is always a winner. Avoid forced smiles that look strained or unnatural.

Professional Headshots Build Your Brand

Investing in professional headshots is so much more than updating outdated images on your website. It’s a strategic decision with significant long-term benefits.

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can ensure your team looks their absolute best. Each professional headshot helps your company tell an engaging, impactful story.

Ready to show your team in their best light? Contact Mark Campbell Productions today for a free custom quote. We specialize in creating high-quality, brand-aligned headshots that capture the essence of your company and its people.

Let’s build a visual narrative that reflects your brand’s success.


Which Style of Professional Headshot is Right for You?


Corporate Headshot Photography: Examples, Cost, and Tips